For over sixty years we’ve partnered with some of the best vendors and manufacturers in the country to provide quality building materials for our customers. We’re picky on whose products we sell and require our vendors to back their products with service.
Our customers know that when they buy from us they’re getting quality materials for their project. They also know that if there should ever come a time where they need service work, or help with warranty work; they can rely on us and the suppliers we use.
Here’s a partial list of our valued vendors:
Anderson Windows and Doors
CertainTeed Vinyl Siding
Simonton Windows
Cascade Mfg. Co.
Owens Corning
McElroy Steel Roofing
Genovations Decking & Railing
Taylor Door
Shaw Floors
DuraSupreme Cabinetry
Koch & Co., Inc.
Mohawk Flooring